GREGOR Data Policy

The GREGOR consortium agreed that in principle all data shall be publicly available. Since observing proposals contain proprietary information and original ideas of the PI and her/his team, the data of PI-led observing campaigns will be embargoed for one year. The proprietary period can be extended for another year, when the observations are in close relation to a PhD thesis. Quick-look data are available after storage at the GREGOR GFPI and HiFI archive (typically within one month after recording the data) and subsequent processing. The consortium encourages, but does not require, collaboration with the originator of the data. To access the data, new users of the collaborative research environment (CRE) first register on the GREGOR data portal. After the organizational confirmation by one of the project managers, members of the technical staff will activate the user account allowing them processing data on AIP-owned computers and editing of web pages and blog entries.

The GREGOR GFPI and HiFI data archive consists of a public area showing information about the collaboration, including recent news and quick-look data products for all observations. The internal area is only accessible by authenticated collaborators. Here, confidential information can be shared among the team, and collaborators can access interactive more detailed information concerning each observation, including access to the various levels of unprocessed and processed data. The data products offered on the CRE web pages are generated by the sTools data processing pipeline. Advances in data calibration and processing may necessitate reprocessing data. Major updates are documented on these webpages and are accompanied by data release publications in scientific journals.

Publications based on GREGOR data are required to include the following acknowledgment: The 1.5-meter GREGOR solar telescope was built by a German consortium under the leadership of the Kiepenheuer Institute for Solar Physics in Freiburg with the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, the Institute for Astrophysics Göttingen, and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen as partners, and with contributions by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The consortium asks the authors to include appropriate citations to the GREGOR reference articles published in 2012 as a special issue of Astronomische Nachrichten (Vol. 333/9), especially Schmidt et al. 2012, AN 333/9, 796, and the relevant instrument papers. We also maintain an up-to-date bibliography with all GREGOR articles published in refereed journal and conference proceedings.