
AN cover page The GREGOR project was subject of a topical issue of Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes (AN) Volume 333(9), which contains a collection of reference articles covering the GREGOR solar telescope, its science capabilities, its subsystems, and its dedicated suite of instruments for high-resolution observations of the Sun. The AN articles are highlighted in blue in the refereed-journals section. In addition, a comprehensive list of GREGOR literature in refereed journals and in conference proceedings is provided to serve both as a starting point and background for future scientific articles based on GREGOR data. Many technicians and engineers at various institutes have contributed to the GREGOR project. Citing the relevant articles, and thus acknowledging their tireless efforts, is greatly appreciated.

Refereed Journals

  1. Balthasar, H. 2018: The Problem of the Height Dependence of Magnetic Fields in Sunspots (Invited Review). Solar Physics 293, 120 (ADS, PDF)
  2. Balthasar, H., Gömöry, P., González Manrique, S.J., Kuckein, C., Kavka, J., Kučera, A., Schwartz, P., Vašková, R., Berkefeld, T., Collados Vera, M., Denker, C., Feller, A., Hofmann, A., Lagg, A., Nicklas, H., Orozco Suárez, D., Pastor Yabar, A., Rezaei, R., Schlichenmaier, R., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sigwarth, M., Sobotka, M., Solanki, S.K., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K.G., Volkmer, R., von der Lühe, O., Waldmann, T. 2016: Spectropolarimetric Observations of an Arch Filament System with the GREGOR Solar Telescope. Astronomische Nachrichten 337, 1050 (ADS, PDF)
  3. Bello González, N., Kneer, F. 2008: Narrow-Band Full Stokes Polarimetry of Small Structures on the Sun with Speckle Methods. Astronomy and Astrophysics 480, 265 (ADS, PDF)
  4. Berkefeld, T., Soltau, D., Schmidt, D., von der Lühe, O. 2010: Adaptive Optics Development at the German Solar Telescopes. Applied Optics 49, G155 (ADS, DOI)
  5. Bianda, M., Berdyugina, S., Gisler, D., Ramelli, R., Belluzzi, L., Carlin, E.S., Stenflo, J.O., Berkefeld, T. 2018: Spatial Variations of the Sr I 4607 Å Scattering Polarization Peak. Astronomy and Astrophysics 614, A89 (ADS, PDF)
  6. Borrero, J.M., Franz, M., Schlichenmaier, R., Collados, M., Asensio Ramos, A. 2017: Penumbral Thermal Structure below the Visible Surface. Astronomy and Astrophysics 601, L8 (ADS, DOI)
  7. Borrero, J.M., Asensio Ramos, A., Collados, M., Schlichenmaier, R., Balthasar, H., Franz, M., Rezaei, R., Kiess, C., Orozco Suárez, D., Pastor, A., Berkefeld, T., von der Lühe, O., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sigwarth, M., Soltau, D., Volkmer, R., Waldmann, T., Denker, C., Hofmann, A., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K.G., Feller, A., Lagg, A., Solanki, S.K., Sobotka, M., Nicklas, H. 2016: Deep Probing of the Photospheric Sunspot Penumbra: No Evidence for Magnetic Field-Free Gaps. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A2 (ADS, PDF)
  8. Collados, M., López, R., Páez, E., Hernández, E., Reyes, M., Calcines, A., Ballesteros, E., Díaz, J.J., Denker, C., Lagg, A., Schlichenmaier, R., Schmidt, W., Solanki, S.K., Strassmeier, K.G., von der Lühe, O., Volkmer, R. 2012: GRIS: The GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 872 (ADS, PDF)
  9. Denker, C., Kuckein, C., Verma, M., González Manrique, S.J., Diercke, A., Enke, H., Klar, J., Balthasar, H., Louis, R.E., Dineva, E. 2018: High-Cadence Imaging and Imaging Spectroscopy at the GREGOR Solar Telescope—A Collaborative Research Environment for High-Resolution Solar Physics. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 236, 5 (ADS, PDF)
  10. Denker, C., Dineva, E., Balthasar, H., Verma, M., Kuckein, C., Diercke, A., González Manrique, S.J. 2018: Image Quality in High-Resolution and High-Cadence Solar Imaging. Solar Physics 293, 44 (ADS, PDF)
  11. Denker, C., von der Lühe, O., Feller, A., Arlt, K., Balthasar, H., Bauer, S.-M., Bello González, N., Berkefeld, T., Caligari, P., Collados, M., Fischer, A., Granzer, T., Hahn, T., Halbgewachs, C., Heidecke, F., Hofmann, A., Kentischer, T., Klvaňa, M., Kneer, F., Lagg, A., Nicklas, H., Popow, E., Puschmann, K.G., Rendtel, J., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sobotka, M., Solanki, S.K., Soltau, S., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K.G., Volkmer, R., Waldmann, T., Wiehr, E., Wittmann, A.D., Woche, M. 2012: A Retrospective of the GREGOR Solar Telescope in Scientific Literature. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 810 (ADS, PDF)
  12. Denker, C. 2010: Instrument and Data Analysis Challenges for Imaging Spectro-Polarimetry. Astronomische Nachrichten 331, 648 (ADS, PDF)
  13. Felipe, T., Kuckein, C., Khomenko, E., Thaler, I. 2018: Spiral-Shaped Wavefronts in a Sunspot Umbra. Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press (ADS, PDF)
  14. Felipe, T., Kuckein, C., Thaler, I. 2018: Height Variation of the Cutoff Frequency in a Sunspot Umbra. Astronomy and Astrophysics  617, A39 (ADS, PDF)
  15. Felipe, T., Collados, M., Khomenko, E., Rajaguru, S.P., Franz, M., Kuckein, C., Asensio Ramos, A. 2017: Signatures of the Impact of Flare Ejected Plasma on the Photosphere of a Sunspot Light-Bridge. Astronomy and Astrophysics 608, A97 (ADS, DOI)
  16. Felipe, T., Collados, M., Khomenko, E., Kuckein, C., Asensio Ramos, A., Balthasar, H., Berkefeld, T., Denker, C., Feller, A., Franz, M., Hofmann, A., Kiess, C., Lagg, A., Nicklas, H., Orozco Suárez, D., Pastor Yabar, A., Rezaei, R., Schlichenmaier, R., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sigwarth, M., Sobotka, M., Solanki, S. K., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K.G., Volkmer, R., von der Lühe, O., Waldmann, T. 2016: Three-Dimensional Structure of a Sunspot Light Bridge. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A59 (ADS, PDF)
  17. Franz, M., Collados, M., Bethge, C., Schlichenmaier, R., Borrero, J.M., Schmidt, W., Lagg, A., Solanki, S.K., Berkefeld, T., Kiess, C., Rezaei, R., Schmidt, D., Sigwarth, M., Soltau, D., Volkmer, R., von der Lühe, O., Waldmann, T., Orozco Suárez, D., Pastor Yabar, A., Denker, C., Balthasar, H., Staude, J., Hofmann, A., Strassmeier, K.G., Feller, A., Nicklas, H., Kneer, F., Sobotka, M. 2016: Magnetic Fields of Opposite Polarity in Sunspot Penumbrae. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A4 (ADS, PDF)
  18. González Manrique, S.J., Kuckein, C., Collados, M., Denker, C., Solanki, S.K., Gömöry, P., Verma, M., Balthasar, H., Lagg, A., Diercke, A. 2018: Temporal Evolution of Arch Filaments as Seen in He I 10830 Å. Astronomy & Astrophysics 617, A55 (ADS, PDF)
  19. González Manrique, S.J., Kuckein, C., Pastor Yabar, A., Collados, M., Denker, C., Fischer, C.E., Gömöry, P., Diercke, A., Bello González, N., Schlichenmaier, R., Balthasar, H., Berkefeld, T., Feller, A., Hoch, S., Hofmann, A., Kneer, F., Lagg, A., Nicklas, H., Orozco Suárez, D., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sigwarth, M., Sobotka, M., Solanki, S.K., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K.G., Verma, M., Volkmer, R., von der Lühe, O., Waldmann, T. 2016: Fitting Peculiar Spectral Profiles in He I 10830 Å Absorption Features. Astronomische Nachrichten 337, 1057 (ADS, PDF)
  20. Granzer, T., Halbgewachs, C., Volkmer, R., Soltau, D. 2012: Preparing GREGOR for Night-Time Use: Deriving a Pointing Model. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 823 (ADS, PDF)
  21. Halbgewachs, C., Caligari, P., Glogowski, K., Heidecke, F., Knobloch, M., Mustedanagic, M., Volkmer, R., Waldmann, T.A. 2012: The GREGOR Telescope Control System. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 840 (ADS, PDF)
  22. Hammerschlag, R.H., Kommers, J.N., Visser, S., Bettonvil, F.C.M., van Schie, A.G.M., van Leverink, S.J., Sliepen, G., Jägers, A.P.L., Schmidt, W., Volkmer, R. 2012: Open-Foldable Domes with High-Tension Textile Membranes: The GREGOR Dome. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 830 (ADS, PDF)
  23. Hammerschlag, R.H., Bettonvil, F.C.M., Jägers, A.P.L., Sliepen, G. 2009: Open Principle for Large High-Resolution Solar Telescopes. Earth, Moon, and Planets 104, 83 (ADS, DOI)
  24. Hofmann, A., Arlt, K., Balthasar, H., Bauer, S.M., Bittner, W., Paschke, J., Popow, E., Rendtel, J., Soltau, D., Waldmann, T. 2012: The GREGOR Polarimetric Calibration Unit. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 854 (ADS, PDF)
  25. Hofmann, A., Rendtel, J., Arlt, K. 2009: Toward Polarimetry with GREGOR. Testing the GREGOR Polarimetric Unit. Central European Astrophysical Bulletin 33, 317 (ADS, PDF)
  26. Hofmann, A. 2008: Polarimetric Projects with GREGOR. Central European Astrophysical Bulletin 32, 17 (ADS, PDF)
  27. Hofmann, A. 2007: Polarimetry with GREGOR. An Ongoing Project. Sun and Geosphere 2, 9 (ADS, PDF)
  28. Joshi, J., Lagg, A., Solanki, S.K., Feller, A., Collados, M., Orozco Suárez, D., Schlichenmaier, R., Franz, M., Balthasar, H., Denker, C., Berkefeld, T., Hofmann, A., Kiess, C., Nicklas, H., Pastor Yabar, A., Rezaei, R., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sobotka, M., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K.G., Volkmer, R., von der Lühe, O., Waldmann, T. 2016: Upper Chromospheric Magnetic Field of a Sunspot Penumbra: Observations of Fine Structure. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A8 (ADS, PDF)
  29. Kiess, C., Borrero, J.M., Schmidt, W. 2018: Three-Lobed Near-Infrared Stokes V Profiles in the Quiet Sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, A109 (ADS, PDF)
  30. Kleint, L., Gandorfer, A. 2017: Prospects of Solar Magnetometry—From Ground and in Space. Space Science Reviews 210, 397 (ADS, PDF)
  31. Kneer, F. 2012: Hopes and Expectations with GREGOR. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 790 (ADS, PDF)
  32. Kneer, F., Hirzberger, H. 2001: A Fabry-Pérot Spectrometer for High-Resolution Observation of the Sun. Astronomische Nachrichten 322, 375 (ADS, PDF)
  33. Kneer, F., Hofmann, A., von der Lühe, O.,  Schmidt, W., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Wiehr, E., Wittmann, A.D. 2001: Post-Focus instrumentation for GREGOR. Astronomische Nachrichten 322, 361 (ADS, PDF)
  34. Kuckein, C., Diercke, A., González Manrique, S.J., Verma, M., Löhner-Böttcher, J., Socas-Navarro, H., Balthasar, H., Sobotka, M., Denker, C. 2017: Ca II 8542 Å Brightenings Induced by a Solar Microflare. Astronomy and Astrophysics 608, A117 (ADS, PDF)
  35. Lagg, A., Lites, B., Harvey, J., Gosain, S., Centeno, R. 2017: Measurements of Photospheric and Chromospheric Magnetic Fields. Space Science Reviews 210, 37 (ADS, PDF)
  36. Lagg, A., Solanki, S.K., Doerr, H.-P., Martínez González, M.J., Riethmüller, T., Collados Vera, M., Schlichenmaier, R., Orozco Suárez, D., Franz, M., Feller, A., Kuckein, C., Schmidt, W., Asensio Ramos, A., Pastor Yabar, A., von der Lühe, O., Denker, C., Balthasar, H., Volkmer, R., Staude, J., Hofmann, A., Strassmeier, K.G., Kneer, F., Waldmann, T., Borrero, J.M., Sobotka, M., Verma, M., Louis, R.E., Rezaei, R., Soltau, D., Berkefeld, T., Sigwarth, M., Schmidt, D., Kiess, C., Nicklas, H. 2016: Probing Deep Photospheric Layers of the quiet Sun with High Magnetic Sensitivity. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A6 (ADS, PDF)
  37. Louis, R.E., Raja Bayanna, A., Socas Navarro, H. 2017: Design of an Adaptable Stokes Polarimeter for Exploring Chromospheric Magnetism. Advances in Space Research 60, 1547 (ADS, DOI)
  38. Orozco Suárez, D., Quintero Noda, C., Ruiz Cobo, B., Collados Vera, M., Felipe, T. 2017: Detection of Emission in the Si I 1082.7 nm Line Core in Sunspot Umbrae. Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, A102 (ADS, DOI)
  39. Puschmann, K.G., Denker, C., Balthasar, H., Louis, R.E., Popow, E., Woche, M., Beck, C., Seelemann, T., Volkmer, R. 2013: The GREGOR Fabry-Pérot Interferometer and its Companion the Blue Imaging Solar Spectrometer. Optical Engineering 52, 081606 (ADS, PDF)
  40. Puschmann, K.G., Denker, C., Kneer, F., Al Erdogan, N., Balthasar, H., Bauer, S.-M., Beck, C., Bello González, N., Collados, M., Hahn, T., Hirzberger, J., Hofmann, A., Louis, R.E., Nicklas, H., Okunev, O., Martínez Pillet, V., Popow, E., Seelemann, T., Volkmer, R., Wittmann, A.D., Woche, M. 2012: GREGOR Fabry-Pérot Interferometer. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 880 (ADS, PDF)
  41. Puschmann, K.G., Beck, C. 2011: Application of Speckle and (Multi-Object) Multi-Frame Blind Deconvolution Techniques on Imaging and Imaging Spectropolarimetric Data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 533, A21 (ADS, PDF)
  42. Puschmann, K.G., Kneer, F., Seelemann, T., Wittmann, A.D. 2006: The New Göttingen Fabry-Pérot Spectrometer for Two-Dimensional Observations of the Sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics 451, 1151 (ADS, PDF)
  43. Schlichenmaier, R., von der Lühe, O., Hoch, S., Soltau, D., Berkefeld, T., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Denker, C., Balthasar, H., Hofmann, A., Strassmeier, K.G., Staude, J., Feller, A., Lagg, A., Solanki, S.K., Collados, M., Sigwarth, M., Volkmer, R., Waldmann, T., Kneer, F., Nicklas, H., Sobotka, M. 2016: Active Region Fine Structure Observed at 0.08″ Resolution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A7 (ADS, PDF)
  44. Schmidt, W., von der Lühe, O., Volkmer, R., Denker, C., Solanki, S., Balthasar, H., Bello González, N., Berkefeld, T., Collados, M., Fischer, A., Halbgewachs, C., Heidecke, F., Hofmann, A., Kneer, F., Lagg, A., Nicklas, H., Popow, E., Puschmann, K.G., Schmidt, D., Sigwarth, M., Sobotka, M., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K., Waldmann, T. 2012: The 1.5 Meter Solar Telescope GREGOR. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 796 (ADS, PDF)
  45. Schmidt, W., Beck, C., Kentischer, T., Elmore, D., Lites, B. 2003: POLIS: A Spectropolarimeter for the VTT and for GREGOR. Astronomische Nachrichten 324, 300 (ADS, PDF)
  46. Sobotka, M. Rezaei, R. 2017: The Temperature – Magnetic Field Relation in Observed and Simulated Sunspots. Solar Physics 292, 88 (ADS, DOI)
  47. Sobotka, M., Dudík, J., Denker, C., Balthasar, H., Jurčák, J., Liu, W., Berkefeld, T., Collados Vera, M., Feller, A., Hofmann, A., Kneer, F., Kuckein, C., Lagg, A., Louis, R.E., von der Lühe, O., Nicklas, H., Schlichenmaier, R., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sigwarth, M., Solanki, S.K., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K.G., Volkmer, R., Waldmann, T. 2016: Slipping Reconnection in a Solar Flare Observed in High Resolution with the GREGOR Solar Telescope. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A1 (ADS, PDF)
  48. Soltau, D., Volkmer, R., von der Lühe, O., Berkefeld, T. 2012: Optical Design of the New Solar Telescope GREGOR. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 847 (ADS, PDF)
  49. Soltau, D., Berkefeld, T., von der Lühe, O., Hofmann, A., Schmidt, W., Volkmer, R., Wiehr, E. 2003: GREGOR  – Optical Design Considerations. Astronomische Nachrichten 324,292 (ADS, PDF)
  50. Strassmeier, K.G., Ilyin, I.V., Woche, M., Granzer, T., Weber, M., Weingrill, J., Bauer, S.-M., Popow, E., Denker, C., Schmidt, W., von der Lühe, O., Berdyugina, S., Collados, M., Koubsky, P., Hackman, T., Mantere, M.J. 2012: Gregor@Night: The Future High-Resolution Stellar Spectrograph. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 901 (ADS, PDF)
  51. Verma, M., Denker, C., Balthasar, H., Kuckein, C., Rezaei, R., Sobotka, M., Deng, N., Wang, H., Tritschler, A., Collados, M., Diercke, A. González Manrique, S.J. 2018: High-Resolution Imaging and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Penumbral Decay. Astronomy and Astrophysics 614, A2 (ADS, PDF)
  52. Verma, M., Denker, C., Balthasar, H., Kuckein, C., González Manrique, S.J., Sobotka, M., Bello González, N., Hoch, S., Diercke, A., Kummerow, P., Berkefeld, T., Collados, M., Feller, A., Hofmann, A., Kneer, F., Lagg, A., Löhner-Böttcher, J., Nicklas, H., Pastor Yabar, A., Schlichenmaier, R., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Schubert, M., Sigwarth, M., Solanki, S.K., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K.G., Volkmer, R., von der Lühe, O., Waldmann, T. 2016: Horizontal Flow Fields in and around a Small Active Region – The Transition Period between Flux Emergence and Decay. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A3 (ADS, PDF)
  53. Verma, M., Denker, C., Böhm, F., Balthasar, H., Fischer, C.E., Kuckein, C., Bello González, N., Berkefeld, T., Collados, M., Diercke, A., Feller, A., González Manrique, S.J., Hofmann, A., Lagg, A., Nicklas, H., Orozco Suárez, D., Pator Yabar, A., Rezaei, R., Schlichenmaier, R., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sigwarth, M., Sobotka, M., Solanki, S.K., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K.G., Volkmer, R., von der Lühe, O., Waldmann, T. 2016: Flow and Magnetic Field Properties in the Trailing Sunspots of Active Region NOAA 12396. Astronomische Nachrichten 337, 1090 (ADS, PDF)
  54. Volkmer, R., Eisenträger, P., Emde, P., Fischer, A., von der Lühe, O., Nicklas, H., Soltau, D., Schmidt, W., Weis, U. 2012: Mechanical Design of the Solar Telescope GREGOR. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 816 (ADS, PDF)
  55. Volkmer, R., von der Lühe, O., Denker, C., Solanki, S.K., Balthasar, H., Berkefeld, T., Caligari, P., Collados, M., Fischer, A., Halbgewachs, C., Heidecke, F., Hofmann, A., Klvaňa, M., Kneer, F., Lagg, A., Popow, E., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sobotka, M., Soltau, D., Strassmeier, K.G. 2010: GREGOR Solar Telescope: Design and Status. Astronomische Nachrichten 331, 624 (ADS, PDF)
  56. von der Lühe, O., Volkmer, R., Kentischer, T.J., Geißler, R. 2012: The GREGOR Broad-Band Imager. Astronomische Nachrichten 333, 894 (ADS, PDF)
  57. von der Lühe, O., Schmidt, W., Soltau, D., Berkefeld, T., Kneer, F., Staude, J. 2001: GREGOR: A 1.5 m Telescope for Solar Research. Astronomische Nachrichten 322, 353 (ADS, PDF)
  58. Wiehr, E. 2003:  From the First Gregory-Coudé Telescope to Gregor. Astronomische Nachrichten 324, 285 (ADS, PDF)

Conference Proceedings

  1. Andersen, T., Engvold, O., Owner-Petersen, M. 2002: Technology Demonstration Solar Telescope. LEST Technical Report 64, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo
  2. Balthasar, H., Gömöry, P., González Manrique, S. J., Kuckein, C., Kučera, A., Schwartz, P., Berkefeld, T., Collados, M., Denker, C., Feller, A., Hofmann, A., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, W., Sobotka, M., Solanki, S. K., Soltau, D., Staude, J., Strassmeier, K. G., von der Lühe, O. 2018: Spectropolarimetric Observations of an Arch Filament System with GREGOR. in: Solar Polarization Workshop 8, Belluzzi, L. (ed.), ASP Conference Series, in press (ADS, PDF)
  3. Balthasar, H., Bello González, N., Collados, M., Denker, C., Feller, A., Hofmann, A., Lagg, A., Nagaruju, L., Puschmann, K.G., Soltau, D., Volkmer, R. 2011: Polarimetry with GREGOR. in: Solar Polarization 6, Kuhn, J.R., Harrington, D.M., Lin, H., Berdyugina, S.V., Trujillo-Bueno, J., Keil, S.L., Rimmele, T.R. (eds.), ASP Conference Series 437, 351 (ADS, PDF)
  4. Balthasar, H., Bello González, N., Collados, M., Denker, C., Hofmann, A., Kneer, F., Puschmann, K.G. 2009: A Full-Stokes Polarimeter for the GREGOR Fabry-Perot Interferometer. in: Cosmic Magnetic Fields. From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, Strassmeier, K.G., Kosovichev, A.G., Beckman, J.E. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposium 259, 665 (ADS, PDF)
  5. Balthasar, H., von der Lühe, O., Kneer, F., Staude, J., Volkmer, R., Berkefeld, T., Caligari, P., Collados, M., Halbgewachs, C., Heidecke, F., Hofmann, A., Klvaňa, M., Nicklas, H., Popow, E., Puschmann, K., Schmidt, W., Sobotka, M., Soltau, D., Strassmeier, K., Wittmann, A. 2007: GREGOR – The New German Solar Telescope. in: The Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas, Heinzel, P., Dorotovic, I., Rutten, R.J. (eds.), ASP Conference Series 368, 605 (ADS, PDF)
  6. Berkefeld, T., Schmidt, D., Heidecke, F., Fischer, A. 2018: Upgrades to the AO System of the 1.5m GREGOR Solar Telescope. in: Adaptive Optics Systems VI, Close, L.M., Schreiber, L., Schmidt, D. (eds.), Proceedings of the SPIE 10703, 107033A (DOI)
  7. Berkefeld, T., Schmidt, D., Soltau, D., Heidecke, F., Fischer, A. 2016: The Adaptive Optics System of the 1.5m GREGOR Solar Telescope: Four Years of Operation. in: Adaptive Optics Systems V, Marchetti, E., Close, L.M., Véran, J.-P. (eds.), Proceedings of the SPIE 9909, 990924 (ADS, DOI)
  8. Berkefeld, T., Soltau, D., von der Lühe, O. 2006: Multi-Conjugate Solar Adaptive Optics with the VTT and GREGOR. in: Advances in Adaptive Optics II, Ellerbroek, B.L., Bonaccini Calia, D. (eds.), Proceedings of the SPIE 6272, 627205 (ADS, DOI)
  9. Berkefeld, T., Soltau, D., von der Lühe, O. 2005: Results of the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System at the German Solar Telescope, Tenerife.  in: Astronomical Adaptive Optics Systems and Applications II, Tyson, R.K., Lloyd-Hart, M. (eds.) , Proceedings of the SPIE 5903, 219 (ADS, DOI)
  10. Berkefeld, T., Soltau, D., von der Lühe, O. 2004: Second-Generation Adaptive Optics for the 1.5 m Solar Telescope GREGOR, Tenerife. in: Advancements in Adaptive Optics, Bonaccini Calia, D., Ellerbroek, B.L., Ragazzoni, R. (eds.), Proceedings of the SPIE 5490, 260 (ADS, DOI)
  11. Bettonvil, F.C.M., Hammerschlag, R.H., Jägers, A.P.L., Sliepen, G. 2008: Large Fully Retractable Telescope Enclosures Still Closable in Strong Wind. in: Advanced Optical and Mechanical Technologies in Telescopes and Instrumentation, Atad-Ettedgui, E., Lemke, D. (eds.), Proceedings of the SPIE 7018, 70181N (ADS, DOI)
  12. Bianda, M., Ramelli, R., Stenflo, J., Berdyugina, S., Gisler, D., Defilippis, I., Bello González, N. 2013: The Project of Installing a ZIMPOL-3 Polarimeter at GREGOR in Tenerife.  Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 84, 413 (ADS, PDF)
  13. Calcines, A., López, R.L., Collados, M., Vega Reyes, N. 2014: MuSICa Image Slicer Prototype at 1.5-m GREGOR Solar Telescope. in: Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Ramsay, S.K., McLean, I.S., Takami, H. (eds.), Proceedings of the SPIE 9147, 91473I (ADS, DOI)
  14. Calcines, A., Collados, M., López, R.L. 2013: MuSICa at GRIS: A Prototype Image Slicer for EST at GREGOR. in: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, Guirado, J.C., Lara, L.M., Quilis, V., Gorgas, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the X Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA), Valencia, 2012 July 9–13, 939 (ADS, PDF)
  15. Calcines, A., López, R.L., Collados, M. 2012: Preliminary Design of a Multi-Slit Image Slicer for EST. in: Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, McLean, I.S., Ramsay, S.K., Takami, H. (eds.), Proceedings of the SPIE 8446, 844674 (ADS, DOI)
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